Tips to tire out a high energy dog
Submitted August 31, 2017 at 10:58PM by dabark
via reddit
If you have a new dog, then you may think nail cutting is the very complicated task, but it's not true. This job needs patience. With the nail clipper you can easily cut your dog nails. So, you can check here steps for using metal guard clippers.
Does anyone know where I can get a puppy?
Ppl told me to Google the place for adopting a puppy but it look like a Pet Shop and I dont want it.
Does Craiglist safe for it?
I'm in Dallas, Texas. I'm looking for a Corgi.
So does anyone else have a Black Lab that drives you crazy....She has started to tear shit up....RRRRRGGGGHHHH!
The wife has 2 chihuahuas, one is 4 yrs old the other is 12 yrs old. They literally have teeth problems every year... we put some formula in their water for teeth decay.. we try to brush their teeth as much as we can remember.. but no matter what they always have infections and they always have to have their teeth clean.
Each time, their cleaning is a ridiculous amount... i can't exactly recall if it was $700 or more than 1k.. but it's just really expensive and it's hard to afford doing this every year
Is there anything we can do? We took them to a non-anesthesia teeth cleaning and they said they both have infections and can't do it...
I'm going broke here and just wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions, thanks
Ok first some background. I live in a semi-remote college town called Manipal in India. One night at like 4am I was outside my house and this lil female street dog (Indian pariah dog) came up to me. It was limping and crying, and wouldn't let me go. Looking at her condition I decided to take her into my house and provide her with food and shelter, and some love ofc.
Why am I writing this post. I am a student and hence neither have the time or money to responsibly take care of a dog, even though I've wanted to for over a decade now. I need to give her to a shelter or animal rescue group but am unable to find any through Google near me. I was wondering if someone knew some sort of help nearby I could call so that she's in a Better place than she is. Just a phone number or a link would be great. Thank you