Thursday, February 15, 2018

#dog - #Worried For My Boy

Worried For My Boy

My family received a Cocker Spaniel pup from a friend five years ago who said they found him on the streets abandoned. Tony has always had some quirky behaviors, but none that i see many other dogs do.

To start, he never sleeps with me in my bed, and even if i coax him enough to hop in, he always pants a storm until he eventually leaves to the other room to sleep on the cold floor. Another thing, he terribly hates rides in the car (always burrowing under our seats, unlike the stereotype where the dog would hang his tongue out the window.). Theres a slew of other things, ranging from barking at nothing.

I just get nervous thinking he might have some problem. I know reddit probably isnt the place to ask, but we hardly have money and getting a checkup could be difficult. Any leads?

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 10:01PM by flamingo01
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#dog - #To find the best deals for merchandise that show your love and passion for your hound check out our website and get exclusive deals now!!!!

To find the best deals for merchandise that show your love and passion for your hound check out our website and get exclusive deals now!!!!

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 09:12PM by gadgetplus4u
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#dog - #Help with strange dog behavior

Help with strange dog behavior


Lately my dog has been smacking me in the face. Honestly it is like an angry cat. I am even getting scratched up. It seems to happen when we are playing on the floor together. It happens with tug toys as well as when we are playing fetch. If the ball goes somewhere he doesn't want to go, he will literally start going burserk on me. Barking, biting, scratching. The first time it happened we were playing tug and I blamed myself but now with it happening during fetch it's inexcusable. Also, nothing will snap him out of this. Not reacting calmly, not standing up, not being being really angry and getting big so as to be like a big bear. Etc. he will literally just snap back to being his usual self.

My dog is a neutered, 1 yr old, husky. He has been through obedience training and used to play really nicely. Would listen to drop commands and leave it commands. Now he will except when he turns into the burserk dog.

This happens on days when he has had a lot of exercise (more than one walk and socialization at the dog park) and on days when he's had just a walk.

My dogs really starting to hurt and mildly scare me and that is something that is absolutely unacceptable. I've got to fix this.

I appreciate questions, feedback, etc and will respond with information that is needed.


Submitted February 15, 2018 at 08:20PM by Lschmitt153
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#dog - #Dog Running, But Not What You Think It Is

Dog Running, But Not What You Think It Is

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 04:24PM by DaLastCrookieMonster
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#puppy - #Mom and puppies

Mom and puppies

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 01:00PM by hurpatiler
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#puppy - #My pup jack finally catches his tail

My pup jack finally catches his tail

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 02:44PM by thebazzbk
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#dog - #My good girls

My good girls

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 02:00PM by CommanderPoogle
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#dog - #Tourist heard a series of whines comes out from a tiny sick puppy

Tourist heard a series of whines comes out from a tiny sick puppy

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 01:24PM by kamekazi911
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#dog - #Meet Bandit! 11 years old, went deaf two years ago, still a pupper at heart!

Meet Bandit! 11 years old, went deaf two years ago, still a pupper at heart!

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 01:49PM by boxingdude
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#dog - #Smart human wud tight grip on phone when call me from other room!

Smart human wud tight grip on phone when call me from other room!

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 09:35AM by areyaarya
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#dog - #The next-generation "real-life" game for dog lovers! Where supporting and playing are interweaving!

The next-generation "real-life" game for dog lovers! Where supporting and playing are interweaving!

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 05:46AM by GregPaw
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#dog - #Putting an egg in your dog's mouth to see if it cracks is the latest viral challenge

Putting an egg in your dog's mouth to see if it cracks is the latest viral challenge

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 06:42AM by viralbears
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#dog - #Dog sees snow for the first time, get's confused and ''attacks'' owner.

Dog sees snow for the first time, get's confused and ''attacks'' owner.

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 08:25AM by DogStalin
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#puppy - #Tongue out Thursday

Tongue out Thursday

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 05:10AM by Saraavramovic91
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#dog - ##dog #thronesdog #germanshepherd

#dog #thronesdog #germanshepherd

Submitted February 15, 2018 at 02:59AM by binodonbarta
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