Problem with neighbors dog Our neighbor got a dog a few months ago and they've been letting the dog crap in our yard - we have talked with them about it several times and lately I've taken to returning the dogs excrement in a bag and leaving it on their porch and that still has not stopped them from letting the dog go in our yard. So I've read online that pouring ammonia or vinegar in the yard should deter the dog. So my question is 1) How often would I need to pour vinegar in my yard 2) Any other ideas on how to handle this? Why they can't just let the fucking dog go in their front or backyard I don't know, all I know is I'm getting really sick of it shitting in our yard and I'm so fed up that I'm this close to taking it and smearing it on their car.
Submitted November 18, 2017 at 11:12AM by erika21m
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