Tuesday, June 18, 2019

#dog - #Im here just to show my friends dog

Im here just to show my friends dog

Submitted June 19, 2019 at 12:48AM by childishbeandiesel
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2dpxh/im_here_just_to_show_my_friends_dog/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #When Boo was a puppy she pulled too hard to walk her normally so I had to find new ways to excercise her

When Boo was a puppy she pulled too hard to walk her normally so I had to find new ways to excercise her

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 11:53PM by Ryuual
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2d806/when_boo_was_a_puppy_she_pulled_too_hard_to_walk/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #Can anyone tell me this dog breed?

Can anyone tell me this dog breed?

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 11:55PM by maxxyice
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2d8jy/can_anyone_tell_me_this_dog_breed/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #I need advice! I have to babysit this beautiful sixteen year old girl soon, and she refuses to eat the dry food her owner gives her. What food can I buy so she doesn't starve the days I'm watching her?

I need advice! I have to babysit this beautiful sixteen year old girl soon, and she refuses to eat the dry food her owner gives her. What food can I buy so she doesn't starve the days I'm watching her?

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 10:20PM by ivorypeaches
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2cg2h/i_need_advice_i_have_to_babysit_this_beautiful/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #Can dogs be immune to vaccines/preventative medicine?

Can dogs be immune to vaccines/preventative medicine?

So here's the (poop) scoop 😅 My dog was on the heartguart/advantix combo and a week after the application we hiked and he was covered in engorged ticks. Some were on for several days before I found them (he's a husky mix so they're hard to find). So they didn't die. The company paid for the vet bills because it was unusual. This has since happened with kennel cough last year (he got it a month after he was vaccinated) and today I found out he has hookworm despite being on Nexguard (he's been on it for 2 months). I am very consistent with his doses and his blood work, urine and stool was just done. All was normal except the hookworm which should've been killed and prevented by Nexguard. Has anyone else had this experience? Is it my dog or just the (potential) fact that they don't know enough about dogs to properly make these medications super efficient? He's 7 now and other than itchy skin he's in good health (he's on apoquel). Please share any information you have.

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 10:23PM by Slipperie
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2cgy8/can_dogs_be_immune_to_vaccinespreventative/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #My dog bit me broke the skin badly

My dog bit me broke the skin badly

I have a 1+ year old Italian mastiff and a 7 year old cocker spaniel. I came into the room and greeted my mastiff (this is a common thing as I use a baby voice because it usually gets him excited or happy) then my cocker spaniel was walking toward me and I bent down to greet her but my mastiff attacked me. It was really bad, I think I saw the fat yellowish flesh and blood coming out of my arm. My mother treated it with hospital antibiotics and bandaids etc but It hurts to keep it still and it hurts to move it. Theres a searing but dull pain on the inside like my bone is pulsing. He's attacked my cocker spaniel and my mother before but it was stopped quicker than my attack. I know hes a gaurd doh but theres no way he didnt know it was me because I spoke to him. And he would have kept biting me and latching if my dad hadn't got to him. What do I do now? I don't want to make this sound super dramatic but I thought I was about to faint. Sound was so muffled and my vision looked so dark. I'm lying on the couch in the basement now and it's hard to be awake what do I do I'm sad

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 09:46PM by Throwwwwwwwwaaaway
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2c4cj/my_dog_bit_me_broke_the_skin_badly/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #Incurable cancer and he just smiles. Wish him the best for the rest of his days.

Incurable cancer and he just smiles. Wish him the best for the rest of his days.

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 09:57PM by chrissul13
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2c802/incurable_cancer_and_he_just_smiles_wish_him_the/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #Hooman and pooch knackered after park time

Hooman and pooch knackered after park time

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 10:04PM by cg_tt
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2cap9/hooman_and_pooch_knackered_after_park_time/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #Cycling with Dogs Tips - Exercise [discussion]

Cycling with Dogs Tips - Exercise [discussion]

I have a high-energy dog who doesn't enjoy toys (not even ball! Oh, how she doth hurt me!) We tried dog parks, but she tends to fun-suck and upset other dogs, so we often leave when others arrive. I started biking with her about a year ago, and it's been a fantastic way for her to take a godDAMNED chill pill and still leave me some evening cuddle time if she's in a generous mood.

I just thought I would write out what I learned so far, hear some tips back, and maybe help out some others in the same situation. Maybe some of these things are obvious, but I'm generally a slow to learn.

  1. Wear a helmet.
  2. Strap the leash to the bar under YOUR seat, not the handle bars. I started on the handle bars and it gave my pup way too much control over the bike. If she saw a rabbit, I would be seeing a ditch seconds later. Strapping to the seat bar puts your weight on the dog's leverage.
  3. Don't use a collar, use a harness. A harness is less likely to restrict their breathing, and if they like to pull you every once and a while for a nice joyride, it won't hurt their neck. A brightly colored harness is best.
  4. Make sure the leash does not extend past the center of your front wheel. I do not have a special attachment, I just use a short leash. You want enough slack for the dog to have side space, but not so much they can get in front of your tire. If they get too close to you, push them gently away with your feet. You might run your dog over at some point. It's not a great feeling, but if you're paying attention there's a better chance no lasting harm will occur. They learn to respect the wheel, hopefully. Which leads to:
  5. See the hazards before your dog. I am constantly scanning 20-30 feet ahead in bushes, shade, or trees for things my dog wants to chase or go r/publicfreak on. If they see it before you do, they will blast off and if you're off center (turning, standing, whatever) can make you crash. My dog is about 40 lbs, I'm 150 lbs, and she's almost wrecked me a few times. If you see something your dog will react to, slow down and grab the leash with your hand. Or a good "leave it!" before they see it can help tear their attention away. Also, watch for potholes/ grates/ divets in your dog's path and pull them to safety before they have a chance to not see it.
  6. Plenty of breaks and water. I bring collapsible a water bowl/ cup and enough water for both of us in an insulated bottle. I do not let my dog drink all she wants until we're home, because too much water will just slosh around in there and possibly make her vomit. I often pour cool water over her head and throat when I think she's too warm but shouldn't drink more. Frequent potty stops are important too!
  8. Distance depends. Muscular dogs (pitties, boxers, greyhounds) are sprinters and overheat pretty quick. Labradors, retrievers, collies are generally higher energy and could go longer, or they might be less inclined to let you know when its time to stop. Just pay attention to your dog. My heeler/ lab mix tops out at four miles, but that's after months of slowly increasing distance.
  9. Don't pull your dog. If they aren't keeping up... don't force them to. It can lead to injury. Also you dog not liking bike rides. Which is a darn shame.
  10. Announce "left" and "right" to your dog with all turns. They pick it up eventually. Helps if you have something sudden to avoid, your dog can react with you. This is easier for them if you:
  11. Keep your dog on the same side of your bike every ride. They learn quicker, and it means your eyes can mostly scan one side of the path for doggie distractions. I keep my dog on the right, so I am riding on pavement and she gets the grass median to run on. Softer for her paws. When we're on the road, she is in between me and the curb, because there is no guarantee driver's will see her.
  12. Paw injury. I check paws after every week to look for wear and tear (pad discoloration, redness, torn nail, matted toe hair). If you're dog is mostly running on pavement, you might want to purchase paw balm for them. If you live in colder climates and intend to run them over winter, get paw balm for the sidewalk salts so your pup can avoid the nasty chemicals when they clean themselves. Be careful to consider hot pavement and debris on the path. Cycling during or shortly after rain events can be harsher on the paws if they're on pavement. Also, keep them off recently treated grass.
  13. Wear a helmet. You will not see everything. I missed a fence stake sticking out of someone's yard, couldn't brake in time. My dog went right, I went left. We wrapped around that stake cartoon style, and I was thrown off head first my bike into the yard. I could have landed on the fire hydrant a foot away. Wear a helmet.
  14. What I keep in my bike bag: Poop bags, antiseptic, bandages, collapsible bowl, bike repair kit, maybe a few little treats.

That is my general list of what works for me. It took a few weeks of training before my dog really understood what the heck was going on, so keep it slow at first. You're learning too-- train yourself to see the hazards. Anyone else who has some input, or maybe good improvements for me to make, let me know!

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 08:50PM by schishkaboob
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2bl50/cycling_with_dogs_tips_exercise_discussion/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #The 25 Most Awkward Dogs of All Time

The 25 Most Awkward Dogs of All Time

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 09:25PM by _eruedraith_
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2bx2q/the_25_most_awkward_dogs_of_all_time/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #my handsome boy

my handsome boy

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 08:40PM by linnzzou
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c2bhjg/my_handsome_boy/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #My rope and cone cone

My rope and cone cone

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 05:31PM by doggo_talkko
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c29jim/my_rope_and_cone_cone/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #Check out this amazing Chrome extension

Check out this amazing Chrome extension


Hi guys (and girls :) , I would love you to check out my cool Chrome extension develop by me.. its basically let you Enjoy random dogs HD wallpapers with every New Tab you open.. so every time you open a new tab on your browser you will have a new amazing dog wallpaper.. In addition I added some cool features such: Games, news feeds and much more.. let me know your thoughts and comments and also if you have some cool ideas to add to it let me know.. thanks..

Link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dogs-hd-wallpapers-new-ta/fhenmaeaapeggldoogbbdgdedpmgbnmj

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 04:44PM by SuperAddon
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c291am/check_out_this_amazing_chrome_extension/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #doggo


Submitted June 18, 2019 at 02:29PM by Gotwins22
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c27f7a/doggo/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #My dog ran away

My dog ran away

I know not a lot of people like dogs but here is a story of my dog

Yesterday my dog got out of the back yard because i left the gate open on acaident but any way I was trying to get him back in the yard but he bit me so many times i just did not care so I had to use my fingers as bait to get him in the yard it was terrible for my hands but he is fine now so hank

Fell free to call me an idiot in any language

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 01:31PM by thebigestweeb
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c26og7/my_dog_ran_away/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #Summer is officially beginning

Summer is officially beginning

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 12:53PM by Mokuie
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c267es/summer_is_officially_beginning/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #I am not sure if he actually likes hugging or if he just pretends to get more treats...

I am not sure if he actually likes hugging or if he just pretends to get more treats...

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 01:04PM by Groot2541995
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c26ckt/i_am_not_sure_if_he_actually_likes_hugging_or_if/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #To the oncologist today to see how bad the cancerous growth is

To the oncologist today to see how bad the cancerous growth is

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 06:54AM by chrissul13
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c21wcg/to_the_oncologist_today_to_see_how_bad_the/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #Still amazes me that the little bear on the left grew into the beautiful dog on the right - Lucy!!!

Still amazes me that the little bear on the left grew into the beautiful dog on the right - Lucy!!!

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 11:00AM by terrysankey
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c24r4v/still_amazes_me_that_the_little_bear_on_the_left/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #The best so far

The best so far

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 05:45AM by donnieriger
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c218m1/the_best_so_far/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #And at that moment she new she f'ed up.

And at that moment she new she f'ed up.

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 06:03AM by madmuttmatt
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c21ejs/and_at_that_moment_she_new_she_fed_up/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #My Maltese baby

My Maltese baby

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 06:00AM by idontcare6666
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c21dmx/my_maltese_baby/?utm_source=ifttt

#dog - #Lucy's first holiday - shape of things to come! Destroyed her ball and up to her ears in sand! Look at the little pink beans on her foot though! (3940 x 2794) (OC)

Lucy's first holiday - shape of things to come! Destroyed her ball and up to her ears in sand! Look at the little pink beans on her foot though! (3940 x 2794) (OC)

Submitted June 18, 2019 at 02:50AM by terrysankey
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/c1ztmb/lucys_first_holiday_shape_of_things_to_come/?utm_source=ifttt