Looking for adult or puppy Whippet in Toronto area Hi everybody. After years of discussing and mauling it over, my wife and i have decided that the time and our situation is right that we can finally get a dog. We've decided on a Whippet! We would prefer an adult just because we'd prefer to bypass the housetraining phase, however we are torn because there is nothing like a little puppy. We've been looking for breeders in the Southern Ontario area, but nobody seems to have any available. I just thought i'd throw it out there to see if anybody knows of any available.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Submitted April 27, 2018 at 03:19PM by OhJustANobody
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/8ff4u3/looking_for_adult_or_puppy_whippet_in_toronto_area/?utm_source=ifttt