Not sure if my dog likes his dry food I have a 16 mo. old Yorkie. When he was a puppy he would eat his food the second I put it down. However over the past 6-9 months he eats at random times. I can leave his dry food out all day and he will only eat when he wants and sometimes, doesn't finish his food. There has been cases where he doesn't eat his dry food for 24 hours. However, when I give him treats or wet food he eats it instantly. I don't want to get him used to wet food all the time. He is large for a Yorkie, at 14.5 lbs. and the vet says he is healthy.
Should I change his dry food? I currently use Blue Buffalo grain free small breed formula
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 08:44AM by SSA78
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