Thursday, January 31, 2019
#dog - #My boy and his buddy. #oskarandfelix
My boy and his buddy. #oskarandfelix
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 11:11PM by BtlesGirl
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#dog - #Missing my pooch already. Only 2 days in, in a 2 and a half month detachment
Missing my pooch already. Only 2 days in, in a 2 and a half month detachment
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 10:54PM by churro951
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#dog - #[OC] Jemma has overcome her fear of the water, still jumps 5' high over wavelets
[OC] Jemma has overcome her fear of the water, still jumps 5' high over wavelets
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 07:26PM by The_Raxyl
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#dog - #Broken wing, (Xavi) 215 pound Boerboel guarded him for 3 days until it could fly off.
Broken wing, (Xavi) 215 pound Boerboel guarded him for 3 days until it could fly off.
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 08:56PM by MasturbatingMiles
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#dog - #A great oil painting found on r/pics
A great oil painting found on r/pics
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 08:03PM by CocaineReflection
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#dog - #Doggo
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 06:32PM by nom_nom777
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#dog - #Mothers dog is aggressive and bites me, need help getting him removed from house without her knowing I called animal control.
Mothers dog is aggressive and bites me, need help getting him removed from house without her knowing I called animal control.
My mom is notorious for taking in dogs she can't take care of through out the years. She gets dogs, abandons their health and vet visits, daily activity, vaccinations ect.. She has a 90 pound pit bull, who's obviously huge and scary. I loved this dog for so long until we realized he has an aggressive side. We tried rehousing him years ago just for him to be returned a day later for biting the new owners several times. Fast forward to now, we can't even have windows open because he goes A-wall and growls and wants to attack anything that walks by the house. He's lunged at our neighbors, causing them to not want to be outside. He's bit my mother breaking skin causing her to bleed every where a couple times. And she still seems to want to keep him. She promises to get him trained but I know how much it costs, and I know she will never do it because she can't afford it. He's very disobedient and barks and jumps on me, and has lunged at me on several occasions. The thing is, I have my new born baby due in 6 weeks and I'm so awfully scared to have her here with him around. I would like to call animal control and have him removed, my question is.. Is there anyway I can act like I'm her neighbor? Or any way I can report him and have him removed from the house without her knowing? For some reason shes attached to this mean dog and won't give him up. I need help, I can't live in fear of my own house anymore.
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 05:06PM by stepthefukupkyle
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#dog - #5 puppies taking a bath
5 puppies taking a bath
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 04:07PM by oliveoilthepuppy
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#dog - #Pupper of the day!...
Pupper of the day!...
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 03:39PM by 73MIgartua
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#dog - #Is it normal to have separate jars of peanut butter for you and your dog? Asking for a friend...
Is it normal to have separate jars of peanut butter for you and your dog? Asking for a friend...
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 03:54PM by anotherfreudianslip
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#dog - #What beauty *-*
What beauty *-*
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 02:52PM by zinouzemour
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#dog - #Dogs Funny
Dogs Funny
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 02:23PM by artecles1
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#dog - #Boing...Boing...Boing....
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 02:07PM by caitycc
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#dog - #Smart dog
Smart dog
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 01:38PM by RogerGoGOgo
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#dog - #Winter fun
Winter fun
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 12:49PM by danoial
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#dog - #Any tips for training an adult dog?
Any tips for training an adult dog?
So I have had my dog for 4 years now but I got him when I was about 11 or twelve. My parents never cared what was going on with him as long as he wasn't destroying things or going in the house. I was an idiot kid and so were my siblings so we never really did the things important for dogs like proper training and socialization. So really all he has know his whole life is to sit, down, stay, and come and he's house trained. I want more for him now that I'm older and realize his needs. I hear better trained dogs are happier and I want to build up socialization so that he can have fun with other dogs. At this point he is very reactive with dogs, barking like crazy on walks and its just embarrassing. I want him to live a fuller life especially since I feel like my childish ways have robbed him of being a smarter pup. I mean he has hung out with dogs before and he isn't aggressive toward people we let in our house, but that's now enough. He also has a cat brother which he loves and has been since before he turned one. I'm trying to bring him into his 5th year socialized and better trained. I just want to know any tips you guys have for going about socializing and training an adult dog.
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 12:44PM by galwithtrailmix
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#dog - #Top 10 Dog-Friendliest Cities In America.Most Dog-Friendliest Cities In Us
Top 10 Dog-Friendliest Cities In America.Most Dog-Friendliest Cities In Us
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 11:19AM by GlitteringOccasion
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#dog - #Where did you come from
Where did you come from
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 09:46AM by josagusen
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#dog - #Pupper of the day!...
Pupper of the day!...
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 09:39AM by 73MIgartua
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#dog - #This is Vader, who is frustrated that I'm taking a picture instead of throwing his toy
This is Vader, who is frustrated that I'm taking a picture instead of throwing his toy
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 09:25AM by hunterdoesnthunt
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#dog - #Magic trick
Magic trick
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 07:51AM by NathalieMrk
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#dog - #This looks like a very sound sleep
This looks like a very sound sleep
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 06:06AM by RogerGoGOgo
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#dog - #This is how this dog greeted me in clinic!
This is how this dog greeted me in clinic!
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 06:18AM by vet_for_pets
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#dog - #Housebreaking Your Pit Bull Terrier: Puppy Dog Training
Housebreaking Your Pit Bull Terrier: Puppy Dog Training
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 03:33AM by artecles1
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#dog - #This dog is lonely and needs a friend!!!
This dog is lonely and needs a friend!!!
Check out @FlournoyCase's Tweet:
Submitted January 30, 2019 at 07:56PM by sphinxliketurtle
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