It may be time to euthanize my dog... before his time Hi, I know what you're thinking, how dare I want to euthanize a beloved animal, friend, family member.. Here comes the but... But my dog has been a terrorist and unsafe to have around other people and it's ruining my life.
I got him when he was 6 weeks old, not nearly long enough time spent with his dog mother to teach him the wrongs and rights of dog hood. He was a fun puppy, cute, fuzzy, a regular Alaskan malamute. But everything changed when he had a eating disorder and nothing he ate would stay down. He was always hungry, he ate maybe 10 cups of food a day growing up and he was not getting fat. He's not overweight at all. He is underweight since the last time I brought him to the vet. Needless to say, he developed food aggression. I've since fixed, through many a medication and bills, his stomach issue and he no longer has explosive diarrhea. Although food aggression is still there. He is like any dog and wants human food and will steal things off the stove and sink etc and eat it. He will bite anyone who tries to take it away. If he thinks someone has food he will guard them and if you try to touch them he will growl and bite you. He is cautious around strangers and if he doesn't like you, he will try to bite you. My family can't visit me because they're scared shitless of him. Which only makes him more upset because he senses the fear. He's bitten me multiple times for no reason at all, just me walking by while he's sleeping etc, because he doesn't want to move. No way have I let this dog control me, I've disciplined him and shown him who the alpha is, but anyone he thinks is not above him he will try to be the alpha of. He can't play with other male dogs. He can't be around new people, he can't be around my family. And he can't be around children. And he can't be around food that's not his own. This dog has been ruining my life and I've been at a point where I struggle with giving him up. Humane societies and dog shelters won't take him because he is this way. I've tried behaviour correctional therapists who have all told me he won't get better. My only options are to abandon him and someone will take him and probably put him down or to do it myself or to suck it up and have no social life, never have family visit, never have children of my own, no girlfriend either.... his name is Skye... and I can't have him anymore and it kills me.
Submitted November 26, 2017 at 08:11AM by Dantekyu
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