Potty Training Failed I am not sure if I had just bought the dumbest dog in the world. It never occurred to me that maybe he is autistic. It is a puppy that is 10 weeks old Bechon. So far he is unable to learn to sit, stay, down, come here, potty training. I never had a dog that couldn't learn. I tried to pretend if I were a baby dog and really tried to make it easy. It pisses all over the house and I don't want to traumatize it, I just want to at least associate the word pee with his urine but he looks at me like I need to get my head checked out. Is 10 weeks too young? I have had 3 dogs prior and had no issues, usually they learn in 2-4 days. 2 min pins, 1 samoyed.
I am not abusing him, but I feel like he is sick of me saying the word pee so many times. And he is just like "whatever I'm outta here bro, you are trippin".
Any tips?
Submitted October 30, 2019 at 08:52PM by Miffers
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/dphiaz/potty_training_failed/?utm_source=ifttt