What is it like to own a dog?
I suffer from depression and mixed anxiety. Over the years I've come to learn how to work through it but there are some days when things just get a little too much. I often feel alone even though I'm surrounded by friends and family. My boyfriend suggested I get a dog to keep me company and occupied on my days off. I just want to know what it's like being the owner of a dog and if anyone can provide insight on how hard puppyhood is.
I'm a 21 year old student who works in retail. I attend uni about 2 times a week for 3 hours. Uni is a 20 minute train ride from home. Retail position is causal but I often get around 4 shifts that are 5 hours long throughout the week. Apart from work and uni, I'm home with my family pretty much all the time. Mum and dad work, my sister is in high school and I have a little brother who's 5. I know both of them would love for a pet dog as well. I'm worried about the period during puppy hood and if I need to be home 24/7 for a while.
I'm severally sensitive to things so I need a hypoallergenic dog, one that doesn't shed fur as mum is an extreme clean freak. I'm also after a breed which doesn't get big and stays relatively small throughout its life.
So to sum everything up, here are my questions for you: 1. What's the best thing about owning a dog
On average how long does it take to train and potty train a dog
What are some of the costs that comes with owning a dog?
What breeds of dog suit my needs
Thankyou!!! I'm excited for responses and potentially having a new pal in my life
Submitted June 21, 2018 at 07:25AM by lisaxtrng
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/8srtud/what_is_it_like_to_own_a_dog/?utm_source=ifttt
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